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Whatsapp vs Signal App

Signal App large image
Why Signal App?

Signals of losing privacy began to spread in the air for the last few days. Each epoch will have something fascinating, after the trending 'Whatsapp' era we are going to step into a new 'Signal' trend. The recently updated privacy policy of Whatsapp made the users suspicious about their privacy in the app. People began to depart into other competitive apps that would not fraction their data with a parent app like Facebook. One such important and the trending app is 'Signal'. With Elon Musk's public announcement for the denial of Whatsapp, millions of users have downloaded the 'Signal' app and some of them have switched into it. The eyes of the people all over the world are on this modern debate in the name of privacy.

The app claims that it has reached the top of the list of downloaded apps in the free apps category after this controversy. 'Signal' is a cross-platform encrypted messaging service created by the Signal Foundation and Signal Messenger. It declares it's non-profit intentions and ensures privacy statements. It has all the features accessible in 'Whatsapp' with free and open-source software. The Signal Foundation was found in February 2018 by Brian Acton and had a significant expansion within a short period. Future days are the days of battle between two major apps. Let's wait and watch whether people will be glad to approve a new signal or not!.

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